About The Paramour

Self proclaimed sensualist and founder of Innuendo by The Paramour, Fleur Coid lives in Perth, Australia.
With a background that includes a degree in Social Science (specialising in psychotherapy and addiction studies), from the beginning Fleur has had a connection to helping others. Above all else, Fleur believes that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to wellness, and that every person needs a multifaceted and individualised approach to their self care and healing.
With a background that includes a degree in Social Science (specialising in psychotherapy and addiction studies), from the beginning Fleur has had a connection to helping others. Above all else, Fleur believes that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to wellness, and that every person needs a multifaceted and individualised approach to their self care and healing.
During her studies, Fleur began what was to be a 15 year career in luxury skin care, fragrances and homewares, with a small stint in interior design and styling. With the thousands of customers that have crossed her path, one thing that became abundantly clear to her is that the beauty industry has a lot to answer for with conflicting messages of female support. The idea of "beauty" in itself is a paradox that many have struggled to conform to.
Fleur believes we should take a different view to the dichotomy of beauty. There need not be "pretty". There is no "ugly". No one should feel pressure to be a particular version of "perfect". There is just you. And that is enough.
Innuendo by the Paramour is the result of a dream to create luxury products that align with values and ideals that don't rely on society's opinion of "being beautiful". Coupled with her own experience with Endometriosis, Fleur was driven to encourage the women, wanderers and warriors of the world to embrace themselves, body and soul, regardless of the messages they might receive, or the challenges life brings.